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Is your team achieving its full potential, or are there behaviors holding your team back from great outcomes? Team members who have unclear expectations, fail to meet deadlines, lack motivation, are uncertain of their role, or fear taking risks will impede your organization’s progress and outcomes.

The encouraging news is that these behaviors can be improved!

Results-minded employees look beyond tangible metrics as signs of success. They have the big picture in mind, have clear expectations, deliver results, embrace change, embody a spirit of discovery and innovation, and seek to grow as they accomplish their work.

In other words, a successful employee will have a combination of professional competence (knowledge and skills) and personal conduct (behaviors) to have a meaningful effect on an organization.

Leading with a results-oriented approach will positively impact your organization’s business outcomes. Assessing and improving your team’s effectiveness through behavior analysis, then providing staff with the tools required to adjust those behaviors, will help everyone thrive in the workplace.

Not sure where to start? Look for a training during which your team participates in self-assessment exercises. Team members respond to prompts to reflect on behaviors which might hold them back from meeting their fullest potential.

By the end of this type of session, participants should be able to identify traits of a results-oriented staff member, understand the impact of results on business, recognize what keeps them from achieving results, recover from mistakes or problems that have prevented them from producing positive outcomes, and learn strategies and develop an action plan.

If your team could benefit from a behavioral assessment, reach out to Elmore today. Elmore has developed a specialized training session to help teams of three to12 people address shortfalls in established behavior patterns.

Behaviors impact output, and output impacts business. Let us help your business reach its highest potential.

*Susan Elmore is a Certified Sherpa Coach (CSC)., of the Sherpa Leadership Institute This training is based on The Sherpa Guide to Executive Presence: Results, Copyright 2002-2020.