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Feel like you’re spinning your wheels but getting nowhere with your internal communications efforts? Consider an internal communications audit.

Conducting an internal communications audit is one of the best ways to gather objective and actionable data on what’s working — and what’s not — when it comes to mass employee communications.  

An audit may include the following activities to gain an understanding of your current state of internal communications: 

  • Review existing communication materials, channels, frequency and audiences
  • Analyze communications data
  • Discuss communications and business goals
  • Conduct interviews, focus groups and / or brief surveys with employees and leadership about their communications preferences and experiences 

When communications to employees are more effective, you may experience these benefits: 

  1. Increased alignment among employees with the business’ vision, mission and goals
  2. An uptick in desired actions and behaviors
  3. More engagement with your communications — and with the information, program and events in your communications

Sometimes an objective third party may uncover opportunities that the in-house team is too close to see. When Elmore audits internal communications efforts, the approach will vary based on your business’ unique needs.  The results of an audit, however, will consistently include data-driven and customized recommendations for improving the effectiveness of internal communications at your organization. We’ll tell you what to continue doing, what to consider stopping and what to incorporate or change moving forward. 

Want to learn more? Contact us to chat about internal communications audits and other ways Elmore can revitalize your employee communications.