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Welcome back to the continuation of last week’s article on the Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media. Read on for more insights and strategies on effectively utilizing the dynamic and ever-expanding possibilities of social media in your media plan.  

In our more than a decade of helping clients of all sizes and types develop and maintain their social media presences, Elmore has learned a thing or two about what does and does not work online. And while every social media strategy is as unique as the client we are serving, we have found there are some universal dos and don’ts which we encourage all organizations to consider. If you are ready to take your social media strategy to the next level, check out the conclusion to our tips series below and contact us to get started.

DON’T: Jump on the latest trends (unless that is part of your plan all along).
Social media trends can be entertaining, but not every trend is going to be appropriate or relevant for your organization to participate in. Before jumping on the bandwagon, ask yourself, “how will participating in this trend help us reach our outlined goals? How can we participate in a way that makes sense to us and is authentic to our voice?” Additionally, trends pass as fast they arrive. Consider if your organization is nimble enough to jump on a trend while it’s still timely. If it takes multiple days and many legal hoops to get clearance, you may have already missed the window of opportunity.

DON’T: Join every social media platform in existence unless you have a strategy first.
Yes, TikTok is huge right now, but does it make sense for your brand to be on it? Before creating a brand account, it’s important to have a strategy in place that answers questions like, “What are our specific goals for this platform? What would our brand voice be on this platform? Do we have the mechanisms in place to post on this platform regularly? Is our target audience even on this platform?” If, after answering these questions, your organization still wants to have a presence on a new platform, Elmore will help you strategize an impactful debut.

DO: Budget for ads and promoted posts.
The reality is, spending money on digital ads has become a critical component to expanding your reach on social media. Meta (which owns Facebook and Instagram) and others have become “pay to play,” rewarding brands that spend money on the platform by showing their organic posts more often.

DON’T: Discount LinkedIn.
Especially for B2B and nonprofit organizations, LinkedIn is a powerhouse for getting your organization in front of the decision makers and donors you are looking to connect with. The platform has incredible targeting, along with great analytics and lead generation. It may not be new and shiny, but it’s reliable.

Social media is serious business, and an experienced strategist can navigate you through the digital waters. Elmore offers digital marketing and social media services in conjunction with our other firm services to ensure clients have a consistent, fitting, and engaging presence online and off.